Welcome to the Spring City Planning & Zoning Commission Page!

We try to make as much information as possible accessible on this site so that you can get answers to your questions when you need them, even if our office is closed.  Please see our FAQ page for answers to questions that people ask most often.  



Setback Info:  Please see the Code section 10-6A-6 for setbacks and frontage

For information on Shipping/Storage Containers please see 10-6A-3

Spring City Zoning Map

Zoning Permit Procedure

You will need a Zoning Permit for any new structure you wish to add to your property.  PLEASE READ THE ZONING PERMIT FORM CAREFULLY  AND FILL IT OUT FULLY.  The only exception is structures that are only temporary.  A good example of this is a temporary greenhouse.  A good rule of thumb; if you’re pouring cement for your structure you need a zoning permit.  You will need to fill out the Zoning Permit form, available on our forms page, and gather all the documentation that is required and submit that to the City Office.  Zoning Permits require the approval of the Zoning Administrator.*  Once you have your Zoning Permit approved you can move on to the county level and get your Building Permit.  Zoning Permits are required inside city limits as well as in the buffer zone (also called expansion zone) which extends 1/2 mile around Spring City in all directions.

*If there are any irregularities in the zoning permit application, the Zoning Administrator may recommend that the permit be reviewed by the entire Planning & Zoning Commission in a regular meeting. If the P&Z Commission cannot reconcile the irregularities, appeal to the Board of Adjustment may be necessary.

Meeting Info

Meetings take place on the last Wednesday of every month at 6:30 pm in the City Council Chamber of the Spring City Community Center.  If the meeting date falls on a holiday or needs to be rescheduled due to other conflicts the meeting date will be posted as far in advance as possible.  Minutes are taken by the Spring City Treasurer.  NEW OCTOBER 2021:  Audio recordings of meetings will be made available to the public on the public meeting notice website  as well as a draft copy of the written minutes within 30 days and a copy of the official written minutes when approved.  GRAMA requests for minutes or recordings will no longer be required if requested in this manner.  To have an issue placed on the agenda you can contact the Planning & Zoning Commission through the Spring City Office.  Please give as much notice as possible for discussion items.  Items that need commission approval require 10 days notice.  Meeting notices are posted at the Spring City Office, this website, and the Utah State Public Meeting Notice website.  If you wish to have email notifications when a new meeting is posted you can sign up through the state public meeting website as well.

PLEASE NOTE:  All materials for associated agenda items must be turned in AT LEAST 10 days prior to the meeting date in which they are to be considered.

Commission Structure

The current Spring City P&Z Commission is comprised of 5 volunteer members with one member acting as Chairperson and Zoning Administrator, 1 volunteer alternate member(s), 1 non-voting consultant,  and a City Council member who acts as a liaison between the two bodies.  The council member does not vote in P&Z meeting.   Members of the commission are appointed by the Spring City Council for a period of 5 years which can be renewed.  The purpose of the P&Z Commission is to see that growth in the city and expansion zone (also known as the buffer zone) conforms to the Master Plans that the City Council has approved according to the wants and needs of the citizens of the city.  Any building, subdivision, annexation, or other planning and zoning issue must come before them as a body in a regular meeting before the issue can be considered by the City Council.  Please see our FORMS page for any form that may be needed for your project.

Current Members:

  • Craig Paulsen – Chairman and Zoning Administrator
  • George Kenzy – Non-voting consultant
  • Gary Parnell
  • Joe Bennion
  • Cami Christensen
  • Michael Nelson
  • Nancy Allred – Non-voting City Council Member Liaison to P&Z
  • Kristen Mortensen – Alternate
  • Renelle Smith – Alternate


Click here for the meeting schedule