Spring City Culinary Water Department

Cory Madsen is the Water and Sewer Superintendent for Spring City.  You can reach him by calling the Spring City Office at 435-462-2244 Ext 1 and leave a message.  He will call you back as soon as he is able.  Randy Strate is the City Councilman who is in charge of the Water Department.  For after-hours utility emergencies you can call the Spring City Office and Ext 4 and you will be connected to the on-call technician.

Water Quality Report 2023

Here is our water quality report for the 2023 year.

Spring City Water Quality Report 2023

Rainwater Capture or Harvesting

Utah allows the capture and use of precipitation that falls on your property.  Please follow this link to the Utah Water Rights website for more details, rules, and registration info:  https://waterrights.utah.gov/forms/rainwater.asp

Spring City’s Famous Water

What makes Spring City’s water so delicious?    As you may or may not know, water itself has no taste.  It’s the combination of minerals in the water that give it it’s unique flavor.  Spring City’s water comes primarily from springs located in the mountains East of town so we have the minerals found in the geologic formations there to thank for adding taste to our H2O.  We have the Ox Springs – upper and lower, the Prince Albert Spring, the Mudhole Spring, and the Birch Spring.  These springs together usually deliver enough flow to supply town with enough water that other sources (our three wells) can be kept as a back up.  Something else you may or may not know is that Spring City rarely adds anything to the water before it reaches your taps.  The water is tested rigorously according to state health department code or even more so you don’t need to worry about contamination.  On the occasions when we do have to add chlorine, it is usually only for 24 – 48 hours and we use only the lightest setting needed, hardly even detectable to the human palate.  The spring that feeds the DUP Spring Monument next to the gas station is NOT part of our culinary water supply system and is NOT tested for water quality.  Spring City makes no guarantee as to its quality or that the water is potable.  That being said, the spring has never produced any illness that we know of.

Culinary Water Connections

Spring City provides culinary water to all properties inside city limits.*  Sometimes there may be a need to extend the water main in order to deliver water to newly developed lots.  All new main extensions must be a minimum of 8 inches to provide the necessary residential flow standards and firefighting flow standards.**   The cost of the extension must be borne by the property developer.  Spring City does not have the resources available to pay for line extensions.  New culinary connections are associated with new homes or other structures.  A zoning permit application and an application for utilities, found on our forms page, must be approved in order to make a new connection.   Water connections are billed on a case by case basis so that you only pay for what we use in materials and man hours for your specific situation.  Please see our fee schedule for more information.  Actual installation of a water connection when a main is available is generally carried out by Spring City.  If you prefer, your contractor can install the connection and Spring City will provide you with the necessary materials (meter, setter, barrel, etc.) at actual cost.  If no main is available, an extension is needed and it is more cost effective to have your excavator install the connection.  Any engineering costs must be borne by the property owner or developer.*Service connections outside city limits, unless already approved, are on hold pending a policy review and ordinance change.**Installation of new main lines must conform to the current code and engineering requirements regardless of the information here.